Data Privacy Notice

Purpose of Notice

The purpose of this Data Privacy Notice (the "Notice") is to explain how ("Tycoon Digital AI" or "We" or "Us") will handle your personal data, as the data controller, that you provide to Us when you visit the website (the "Website"), or that We receive from third parties, to connect you with professionals you may be interested in.

How is your data collected?

We gather your personal data in the following ways:

Providing your personal data is not mandatory, but failing to do so may prevent Us from connecting you with professionals that align with your interests.

What categories of personal data will be processed?

Tycoon Digital AI collects and processes the following categories of personal data about you:

Category of personal data Definition
Identification Data Includes your full name and contact details (phone number and email address).
Browsing Information Details such as IP address, access times and dates, pages visited on our web and mobile sites, language preferences, reports on software crashes, browser type, device-related information, and online activities automatically collected, e.g., via cookies, web server logs, pixels, and web beacons.

What are the purposes and legal basis of our processing?

Tycoon Digital AI processes your personal data for the following purposes:

Purpose Legal basis Categories of personal data processed
Connecting you with professionals offering services that may interest youYour Approval Identity Data
Addressing requests and adhering to legal requirements from regulatory bodies or other authorities, both domestically and internationally. Compliance with relevant legal and regulatory obligations. Identity Data
Browsing Details
Protecting and asserting our rights Our legitimate interest in safeguarding our rights against users (including you), judicial, administrative, and/or law enforcement entities. Identity Data
Browsing Details
Ensuring the functionality and security of our Website Our legitimate interest in maintaining a secure and efficient Website. Browsing Details

Your Data Privacy Rights

Under current data protection laws, you have a range of rights, including:

  1. Right of Access: You can request confirmation from Tycoon Digital AI on whether your personal data is processed and, if so, access to that data. This includes information on processing purposes, categories of personal data processed, and potential data recipients.
    You're entitled to a copy of the processed data. For additional copies, we may charge a nominal fee based on administrative costs.
  2. Right to Rectification: If your personal data is inaccurate, you have the right to have it corrected. For processing purposes, you also have the right to complete incomplete personal data, including through supplementary statements.
  3. Right to Erasure ("Right to be Forgotten"): You can request that Tycoon Digital AI erase your personal data under certain conditions.
  4. Right to Restrict Processing: You can ask for the processing of your personal data to be restricted. In such instances, the data will be marked and processed by us only for specific purposes.
  5. Right to Data Portability: You have the right to receive your personal data, which you've provided to Tycoon Digital AI, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and you have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from us.
  6. Right to Object: You can object to the processing of your personal data based on your specific situation, at any time. Upon objection, we will stop processing your data for the objected purposes, unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.
  7. Right to Withdraw Consent: If data processing is based on your consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
  8. Post-Mortem Right to Data: You have the right to set directives regarding the management of your personal data after your death.

Note: The exercise of these rights may be subject to certain conditions and limitations under local data protection law.

To exercise any of these rights, please reach out to us as outlined in the "Contact Us" section below.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the competent French data protection authority, the CNIL.

Our Data Sharing Practices

Your personal data may be shared as follows:

Cross-Border Data Transfers

Personal data collected by Tycoon Digital AI may be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Transfers to countries recognized by the European Commission as providing adequate protection (e.g., Israel) are deemed to ensure an adequate level of data protection. For transfers to countries not recognized as providing adequate protection, we ensure data protection through standard contractual clauses or other approved mechanisms, guaranteeing adequate safeguards.

Our Data Retention Policies

We retain your personal data only as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this Notice, in compliance with applicable laws. Upon no longer requiring your personal data, it will be deleted or anonymized.

Contact Us

If you have any inquiries about this Notice, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Updates to This Notice

This Privacy Notice may be revised from time to time. We will inform you of any substantial modifications as mandated by law.

Last updated: 01.11.2023